Sunday, August 18, 2024

Li Po's Song of Parrot Island

Li Po’s Song of Parrot Island

On the green island in the river, when he saw the parrots fly
  Thither, desiring its grasses, o’er the river waters of Wu,
And rise from its gem-green trees again, to wing through the sky
  Westward to where the Dragon Mountain looms purple and blue:

When he saw the dawn-mist, rising, reveal what was sweet on the air,—
  The leaves and blooms of the spear-orchid on the island shore;
And the dark waters embroidered with the pink of the peach-blooms there
  On either side of the river the trees lean o’er:

When he saw the island in the night-time, watched by a lonely moon
  From the dark blue beyond the peaks, his last night there, ere he went,
And heard the lapping and whisper of the water: his heart fell aswoon
  In his breast, for very sorrow. He knew what banishment meant.

The Theosophical Path
, November 1929

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