Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Parting

A Parting

After Li Po

Seaward the waves of Yangtse hurray away,
  Diamond-clear, and blue as the heavens are blue,--
    Hurray away unvexed with griefs or fears.
    It’s only our goodbyes that the winecup cheers!

In the valley now the birds sing loud and gay,
And the sunlight kindles snow on the bloomy spray,
  And gold on the green bright grass that the peach-blooms strew.
    It’s only we are depressed by the ominous years!

Gold and green and song will be gloom and gray
  Of twilight soon, and dark night chilled with dew,
  And the howling of apes the empty darkness through.
    A long time since I thought I had done with tears!

The Theosophical Path, June 1920